Our groups are weekly peer-to-peer support groups for those who face, or support those who face, mental health challenges.

Our attendees range from 20’s to 70’s, women and men, with a variety of challenges, but many report Depression, Anxiety, Hoarding, or Schizophrenia as primary concerns.

Our facilitators have real-world experience in peer-to-peer support.

Our first facilitator (a group member – after all, it IS a peer-to-peer support group) joined us on the first day, and was so successful he parlayed his work with the group into a paid job one of the first peer counselors to be employed in a secure facility at a hospital to help patients.

The current facilitators at Beaches Mental Wellness include the founder of the group along with two group members.

Our website is: MentalWellness.help

Our Beaches Mental Wellness Facebook page is: Facebook Link


As I was going through a deep depression, there were few resources for me to turn to.  Certainly, there was no one I could talk to in the community.  After I went through a course of therapy, and after I read a great deal of literature about how to re-frame my thinking and approach life differently, I came out from under that dark cloud of depression.  I also realized that I could give back to the community.

In effect, I wanted to help people as Leo, from the TV show The West Wing, does with Josh.  Josh has just come back from seeing a psychiatrist due to his anger issues which have arisen after he witnessed his ultimate boss, the President of the United States, get shot.  In this one minute clip, his direct boss, Leo, uses this excellent story to illustrate how he is going to help Josh get through this.