Our first group was the Beaches Mental Wellness Peer-to-peer support group.  It launched in January of 2015.  Here is an article in The Beach Metro News about the launch of the group:  Mental Health Support Group Launches – January 27, 2015

The demand for the service was so great the frequency of the meetings was increased from monthly to weekly.  Here is an article in The Beach Metro News about the move from a monthly meeting to a weekly meeting: Mental Health Group Move to Weekly – March 10, 2015

Here is an article describing the positive change the group has had on attendees: Support Group Encourages Positive Change – September 8, 2015

The service was SO positive that members started commenting publicly about their experience.   Attendees have been very vocal about how much the program has improved their lives and their functioning in the world. Read Dave’s letter to the editor about his experience – 2nd letter down: Dave’s letter – September 22, 2015

The groups have been instrumental in improving the lives of many people.  Here is the story of just one person…Julie, in her own words in a letter to the Editor:  Group helps break isolation of mental illness – January 23, 2018.

The program is expanding!  Read about the new location here: Danforth Mental Wellness Group to Start Weekly Meetings 

And read here:  Danforth Mental Wellness group set to begin Peer-to-Peer meetings

The community supports the groups!  Read the article here: Newfoundland Kitchen Party to benefit community group

Recent article in The Bluffer:  Free Mental Wellness Support Available


The need for this service is great, but it is difficult to get the message out that this service is available.  Please let all you know about this FREE service.

Thank you to all these organizations!!!

We would love to find ways to let those people who need such a service know about it.

If sufficient demand is there, we would be able to scale up our service to meet demand.